Business area

Ship Repair Business

Retrofit Business

We provide eco-friendly ship technology based on the design and manufacturing technology of ship module units. We lead eco-friendly marine technology through the Ballast Water Treatment System and the SOx Scrubber Retrofit business in particular. This ensures efficient and sustainable ship operation while protecting the marine environment.

Retrofit Process

  1. Step 01 Quotes and Contracts

    • Send Quote
    • Order and Contract
  2. Step 02 Pipe Manufacture, Inspection, and Transportation

    • Pipe Manufacture
    • Purchase Assembly Materials
    • Inspect Materials
    • Transportation (Installation Location)
  3. Step 03 Installation Work

    • Line Renovation Work
      • Renovation of Existing Lines
      • Demolition of Certain Areas
    • New Line Construction Work
      • Pipe Line Configuration
      • Iron Fittings Installation
      • Equipment Installation
    • Electric Equipment and Instrument Work
    • Write Daily Report

B.W.T.S Retrofit

Scrubber Retrofit